Buy or Sell a Freelancing Account Online Hassle-Free

Working online is the "in thing" nowadays and purchasing a writing account would certainly go a long way in multiplying your earnings. But then you can never be sure when closing the sale online—there is always the risk that the other person will take off with the money or fail to fully honor their side of the deal. Furthermore, you may want to back out of the deal after inspecting the account and realizing that it may not exactly be what you were looking for.

Our secure platform guarantees both buyer and seller zero risk when closing the sale online. Here's how it works:

  1. Buyer and seller agree to use Escrow Kenya: Either the buyer or seller can start the transaction by filling out the order form. All you have to do is ensure that all details about the order are captured accurately.
  2. Buyer deposits funds into escrow: Once the order is confirmed by the acceptance of the escrow invitation, the buyer is prompted to deposit funds. Our secure payment system offers automatic M-PESA payments, in which you just click a "Pay Now" button and get a prompt on your phone to enter your M-PESA pin. Alternatively, you can use other payment options such as PESALINK or wire transfer to our bank account as advised on the invoice.
  3. Escrow Kenya verifies credentials from the seller: To protect sellers from potential buyer fraud, we ask to verify credentials before they are provided to the buyer. This way we are able to match what was verified against what was provided to the buyer in case of a dispute. Where accounts are IP-sensitive, we advise sellers on alternative ways of keeping proof of validity of credentials without jeopardizing the security of the accounts.
  4. Seller delivers the credentials to the buyer: Once we have verified the credentials, we ask the seller to submit them to the buyer and mark the order as delivered. The buyer then proceeds to secure the account by changing the password and password-recovery options.
  5. Buyer accepts the delivery: Once the buyer is satisfied that the account is completely secure and that they have all the information and/or documents needed, they can proceed to accept the delivery.
  6. Escrow Kenya releases payment to the seller: Funds are automatically released and made available for withdrawal in the seller’s account as soon as the buyer accepts the delivery. This brings the escrow transaction to an end.
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The benefits are immense

Both buyers and sellers enjoy protection offered by our online escrow service:

  • Convenience of closing the sale online: You can complete the sale anywhere, at any time, within minutes. No need to travel all the way to meet up.
  • Guaranteed peace of mind: You can rest easy knowing that your money is safe if something goes wrong during the sale.
  • Zero risk: Protection works both ways, ensuring that the sale carries on smoothly. Escrow Kenya ensures that each party fulfills their obligations to the letter.
  • Cost savings: By completing the sale online, you eliminate the costs of travelling along with other associated costs.
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100% Protection at an affordable cost

Our low fees of 3% of the purchase amount or KES 200, whichever is higher enable you to transact confidently without robbing the bank. Furthermore, all escrow fees are capped at KES 15,000.

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“ESCROW KENYA" is a registered trademark of Escrow Solutions Kenya Limited. Copyright © 2025. Escrow Solutions Kenya Limited. All Rights Reserved. Escrow Solutions Kenya Limited has no relation to NCBA, M-PESA or Pesalink or any other payment method. We make no claims about being supported by or supporting these services. Their respective wordmarks and trademarks belong to them alone.